
Aliscia Andrews deserves our vote

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor: America faces challenging times as a nation.  This is a time to unify and protect our neighbors, our economy, and our nation.  This is not a time for partisan bickering.  Aliscia Andrews brings the priorities of a mom, a community volunteer, and a Marine who appreciates our nation and the sacrifices necessary to…


Native Loudouner, proud to vote Democrat in 2020

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor: I grew up in Loudoun when Round Hill was still a small, sleepy farming town. People had political differences, but we operated from a common set of facts learned from the same newspapers, and the same network TV coverage. Today, we need to work harder to reach outside our cable news, talk radio,…


Gade is my choice for Senate

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor: Voting has started and election day will arrive swiftly. “We the people” are charged to select the civil servant who will represent us in the U.S. Senate.  This is a crucial election, and control of the Senate is at stake. Our choice will clearly reveal the values, and morals of the residents of…


Biden, Warner, Wexton, have my trust

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor: Before we know it, the future of our nation will be decided. President Trump has officially been running for office since Feb 2017 so, yes, I am exhausted by all the rallies. I hope that I can contribute to the discourse by endorsing, as a retired library assistant and ordinary voter, Joe Biden,…


Return Jennifer Wexton to Congress

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor:  When I moved from California to Virginia thirty-four years ago, I knew I was moving to a “red state”.  To be honest, it didn’t even factor into my decision because politics in the ’80s wasn’t the blood sport it seems to be today.  Truthfully, I was more of a moderate Democrat – happy…



November 4, 2020

By Charles Houston Two Sculptures On Saturday Sept. 31, our Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a Board Member Initiative proposed jointly by an unexpected pairing of supervisors, one, the most conservative Board member and the other, the most liberal. The BMI – their proposal – would have the County commission two sculptures, one of Ronald…


Keep winning with Trump-Pence

November 4, 2020

Dear Editor: Election day is fast approaching, and it will be one of the most impactful in our lifetime.  As a citizen, it is your right to participate in our Democracy and vote for who will represent us in Congress, and lead the nation as President. However, this right also comes with a sacred responsibility. …


If you accept a lie …

November 4, 2020

By Joe Lafiandra If you accept a lie told to you, it changes you. You own the lie and it becomes part of your personality. Denying the truth and accepting lies corrupts you. If you think accepting lies is a passive activity, think again. If you accept one lie, there is no turning back, you…


Why I’m Voting Blue

October 1, 2020

Dear Editor:We live in dangerous times. More than 200,000 Americans have beenkilled by COVID-19, the economy is in shambles and climate changecontinues to wreak havoc in the form of unprecedented fires and weather events. My fears about our future propel me to support an experienced,compassionate Democrat ticket: Joe Biden for President, Mark Warner forSenate and…


Lessons from a Board of Supervisors Meeting

September 30, 2020

By Charles Houston The Board of Supervisors met Sept. 15. It was a lesson in civics, civility, and on how to persuade others to support one’s idea.  It started with the Pledge of Allegiance; the audience stood respectfully. After introductory remarks by Chair Phyllis Randall, citizens could speak for several minutes on agenda items or…