What Matters to Me


Dear Editor:

As I have observed the increase in division between the political parties, it has become clear to me that one of the root causes for this division is a fundamental difference in opinion about whether the “ends justify the means.” I recently spoke with a Loudoun County Republican political leader. He expressed that he believed that the Republican political objectives should be pursued regardless of what it takes. This position is dangerous for several reasons.

The representative democracy that governs our country gives all citizens a voice in determining who their political leaders are. But it also carefully defines how those leaders must work together to build consensus about laws and policies. The methods of limited power, oversight and controls are inefficient and require compromise. But that inefficiency is one of the fundamental aspects of our democracy to protect us from a person or party usurping power, and to ensure that laws reflect the desire of the majority of the citizens.

If the founding fathers believed that the ends justified the means, then our government would be organized to maximize efficiency. It matters to me that we preserve our democracy’s means of limited power that requires collaboration and compromise.

It also matters to me how we treat all people in our democracy. There simply is no supremacy between any class, religion, race, or ethnic group. To claim otherwise is bigoted and biased. Any political objective that is achieved without respect for all people is flawed. Degrading others is a means that does not justify the ends.

The character of our leaders is fundamental to proper governing and to preserving dignity and
respect for all people. Character matters. Our government leaders set the tone for how all people are treated.

It is dangerous to overlook character flaws in a political leader because one agrees with that leader’s political priorities. To blatantly ignore overt expressions of dishonesty, disrespect, selfishness, and greed for the promise of political ends is unwise. Although all people are flawed, it is our duty to elect the best possible people without excuses.

History has repeatedly shown that nations who select leaders with flawed characters and who believe that the ends justify the means have been subjected to authoritarian repression. This could happen to us. In this election year, we must open our eyes to clearly see the dangers that are before us. Let us select leaders with character who will work collaboratively and respectfully with all people to govern in the true spirit of our democracy.

Dan Fairholm


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  1. Chris Stevenson on April 14, 2024 at 7:01 pm

    Fantastic – really helpful in this year’s election. Authoritarianism is a real threat this time around and I hope all who read this will reject that threat at the ballot box in November. I also hope the Loudoun County Republican Committee will identify that threat and reject it as well.

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