Let us renew our commitment to serve those who serve us


Dear Loudoun Community:

Loudoun, on Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, our community suffered an almost unbearable loss. As the governing body of Loudoun County, every member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors understands and acknowledges the extent to which the men and women of our Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System and the men and women of our Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office put their lives on the line every day to keep our county safe. We never take for granted their sacrifices or the sacrifices of their families as they perform their duties admirably and heroically. It is, in fact, this very real understanding of the risks they face in service to our community that makes the loss of a member of our Combined Fire and Rescue System, as well as the multiple injuries—some severe—sustained by eleven other firefighters, so tragic.

The loss of Firefighter Trevor Brown is devastating to his family and to all who knew and loved him. Firefighter Brown was a committed public servant, and like every member of our combined system, he was, indeed, a hero. His loss is deeply felt not just by the Sterling Volunteer Fire Company, but by the entire combined Fire and Rescue System and every member of the Loudoun County community.

As a body, we, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, speak with one voice as we offer prayers and support to all firefighters who were injured on Friday night and to their families. We speak with one voice as we encourage all members of the combined system to be aware of the mental health implications that come after this type of tragedy. And of course, we speak with one voice in offering our most profound and heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and coworkers of Firefighter Brown.

At this time of great sadness, let us renew our commitment as a community to truly serve those who serve us. Let us resolve to lift them up and sustain them, not just with our words but with our deeds—individually, through our contributions, and collectively, through our steadfast legislative advocacy to ensure our first responders always have the resources, training and health benefits they need to do their jobs and return home safely at shift end.

And perhaps above all else, let us always remember to thank them for their extraordinary, selfless service to our community. To the men and women of the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System, please accept our enduring thanks for all you do.

With gratitude and respect,

Loudoun County Board of Supervisors: Chair at-Large Phyllis Randall, Vice Chair Juli Briskman (Algonkian), Mike Turner – Ashburn Supervisor, Matt Letourneau – Dulles Supervisor, Laura TeKrony – Little River Supervisor, Koran Saines – Sterling Supervisor, Caleb Kershner – Catoctin Supervisor, and Sylvia Glass – Broad Run Supervisor.


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