Rich Ricci

Richard Ricci, Wells Fargo Advisor

Retiring single: 5 complexities to consider

June 30, 2021

Being single can bring a different set of challenges to planning for retirement. These five strategies can help. If you’re planning on retiring single, you aren’t alone. Nearly 22 million Americans age 65 and older were unmarried in 2019, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This group makes up 41.5 percent of all people in the…


Understanding the complexities of Medicare

June 2, 2021

While they’re working, many Americans become accustomed to getting health insurance through their employer. They make their initial selections and then update their choices once a year when its time to renew and during life events like adding to the family or, perhaps, starting a new job.  But virtually all U.S. residents face a milestone…


Are you prepared for a financial emergency?

April 28, 2021

Preparing for a planned or unplanned life event during these challenging times may beg the question: “What’s the biggest threat to my financial stability?” Job loss likely comes to mind, perhaps followed by a serious illness or a natural disaster. But, lack of cash flow should make the list too. Consider cash flow and liquidity…


Going back to school: tips on how to pay for it

March 18, 2021

Going back to school can help you advance in your job, re-enter the workforce, or support a second act as you chart a completely new career. But what are the right strategies adults should keep in mind to help manage education expenses?  Here are some financial tips for going back to school as an adult:…


Five ways to help protect your family from fraud

February 20, 2021

From listening to music to ordering groceries, almost all aspects of our daily lives are connected to the Internet in some way. Nearly a third of Americans say they’re “almost constantly” online, with 81% using the Internet at least once a day.¹ But our always-connected nature can come with risks: The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint…