Loudoun County Continuum of Care Conducting Annual Point-in-Time Count January 25

The Loudoun County Continuum of Care, along with jurisdictions that make up the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, is preparing to conduct the annual Point-in-Time Count of people in the community experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness. The count is scheduled to be conducted the night of Wednesday, January 25, 2023. In the event of inclement weather, the count will be rescheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2023.

The Point-in-Time Count, which is conducted locally and nationally, is intended to provide a single-day snapshot of a community’s homeless population as well as households that may be on the brink of becoming homeless.

“The count continues to help us to better understand the needs of our most vulnerable community members and provide essential support services to assist those individuals,” said Loudoun County Department of Family Services Director Ina Fernández.

During the count, members of the Continuum of Care Street Outreach teams along with staff from local nonprofits will canvass the county to assist anyone who is unsheltered by providing resources and information on programs and services. Local law enforcement personnel and mental health clinicians will also assist with outreach efforts across the county. The count will be conducted safely with all staff following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including wearing face coverings and practicing social distancing.

Key benefits of the Point-in-Time Count include:

  • Communitywide Assessment: The Point-in-Time Count includes outreach to a wide range of people, including young adults ages 18-24, veterans, people over 60, families and others.
  • Increased Awareness: The count encompasses all areas of Loudoun County with targeted outreach to rural areas to ensure a connection for needed community resources.
  • Program Development: Results from the Point-in-Time Count contribute to data-driven decision-making for specific types of housing needs and areas of program development.
  • Racial Equity Analysis: The Loudoun County Continuum of Care is participating in a regional project with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and other Continuums of Care across the region to analyze and address racial equity in homeless services.

Anyone who has questions about the Point-in-Time Count should contact Loudoun Continuum of Care Coordinator Corinne Wyss at 703-737-8416 or Corinne.Wyss@loudoun.gov.

To get connected to health and human services information and resources in Loudoun County, including coordinated entry for housing and homeless assistance, contact the Loudoun County Information and Referral program at 703-777-0420.

The Loudoun Continuum of Care is a partnership between local government, nonprofit agencies, the public school system, health care providers, faith-based organizations and others who work together to address the needs of those experiencing housing instability or homelessness in Loudoun County.

More information about the Point-in-Time Count is online at loudoun.gov/pointintime.

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