Crossing Guards named among Virginia’s most outstanding


Two members of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Crossing Guard team have been named among Virginia’s Most Outstanding Crossing Guards for 2023 by the Virginia Department of Transportation.

On Feb. 2, LCSO leadership surprised and recognized Courtney Markowski, who works as a crossing guard on behalf of students at Round Hill ES, and Dave Becker, who works as a crossing guard on behalf of students at both Emerick ES and Blue Ridge MS. Courtney has been at Round Hill for 11 years, while Dave has been at Emerick and Blue Ridge for 12 years.

LCSO is proud of all 39 members of the LCSO Crossing Guard team and appreciate the many thankful comments they regularly receive from parents and students.

In 2019, the LCSO partnered with MHSADS and held the first-ever three-day advanced CIT training in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The LCSO was also Virginia’s first law enforcement agency to conduct Advanced Crisis Intervention Training for School Resource Officers. The advanced training focuses on residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities, especially children.

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